Traveling during pregnancy is OK, even flying, until 36 weeks into your pregnancy, as long as you have no complications
Exercising when pregnant is fine. There are may prenatal fitness classes available. Low impact exercises are recommended. Do not plan to begin a strenuous new activity just because you are pregnant.
Painting during pregnancy is usually safe as long as you are in a well-ventilated area. Stop what you are doing or leave the area if the fumes bother you.
Perms and hair coloring during pregnancy are OK, however, we prefer them to be after the first trimester.
Be certain to let your dentist know you are pregnant. Avoid using gas. Your dentist CAN use local anesthesia. Dental x-rays are OK as long as the abdomen is shielded.
Intercourse during pregnancy is not harmful. Slight bleeding after intercourse is common and is no cause for alarm. Most bleeding after intercourse will resolve with time.
If you have a cat, plan to have someone else clean or empty the litter box so that you are not exposed to toxoplasmosis. Also, wash your hands after handling any of your pets.