Common Pregnancy Symptoms and How to Manage Them
Abdominal Cramping
Sharp pulling pains in the lower side of the belly are common around 18-26 weeks of pregnancy and again around 32-35 weeks of pregnancy. This is called round ligament pain and happens because of rapid growth of the baby. Tylenol and warm baths may be helpful. If you think that you are in labor, time your contractions. You can try changing positions to see if it eases the discomfort. If you are less than 35 weeks, you should call us or go to Labor and Delivery if you have more than 4-5 contractions in one hour.
Breast Tenderness
This is related to hormonal changes and usually resolves after the first trimester.
Dizziness and spells that make you feel like you are going to faint are common. Just get off your feet and lie down for a moment. Eat a snack. Get up slowly.
Extreme Tiredness
Especially during the first part of your pregnancy you may feel very tired and want to
Frequent Urination
This is due to pressure on the bladder from the enlarging uterus. You need not worry unless you also have burning or stinging with urination as well.
Headaches occasionally seem to get worse in pregnancy, especially during the first few months. This is probably related to hormones. Tylenol should alleviate these. Also, sometimes caffeinated beverages can help. If you are closer to the end of your pregnancy and your headache is associated with visual changes and swelling, please let us know.
Leg Cramps
These occur frequently during pregnancy. Increase your water, calcium and magnesium intake and try to simply massage your legs to relieve your cramps
Mood Swings
Crying and extreme moodiness are not unusual. Getting plenty of rest, eating well, and exercise should help.
Nausea and Vomiting
Start with bland food and frequent, small meals. Avoid greasy, spicy and fried foods. Drink even if you cannot eat to stay hydrated. Ginger is natural nausea relief. Try ginger tea, Ginger Ale. If you are beginning to vomit more frequently, please call the office during regular business hours.
Having your nose suddenly begin bleeding for no apparent reason is common during pregnancy and no cause for alarm. Usually cold compresses and pressure will relieve these, as well as a cool-air humidifier if you suffer from dry nasal passages.
A red, sometimes itchy rash can occur, especially on your abdomen. This will disappear after delivery.
Shortness of Breath
This is very common, especially close to delivery. Slow, deep breaths will help and pillow props to sleep will help, too.
sleep all the time. This is very normal.
This is normal during pregnancy. Usually your feet and ankles suffer the most. Some women also complain with hands that are swollen and numb or tingling. Change positions often and elevate your feet if possible to relieve this. Decrease your salt intake and drink plenty of water. Even cool compresses can relieve pressure and swelling.
Trouble Sleeping
Most women do not sleep well at some point in their pregnancy. This usually resolves after delivery.
Vaginal Discharge
A heavier discharge is normal during pregnancy. However, if you also have a burning or itching, let us know.
Varicose Veins
These usually worsen or develop during pregnancy. Maternity support hose and bed rest will help.